Thursday, January 29, 2009

Encounter with a Masai in the Serengeti

On our second day in the Ngorongoro/Serengeti National parks, we stopped in an apparently empty plain for lunch. An older Masai man materialised a few hundred meters away. He walked straight up to us and sat down on a nearby rock. He didn’t say a word. We prepared a rice salad, and gave him a plate, which he ate with gusto. He thanked us and then asked us for tea (chai) and sugar to bring back to his manyatta. We gave him some and Caro took the opportunity to make a short video of the exchange. He knew exactly what was going on and mimicked someone filming with an old-style video camera.


He also tried to exchange his stick for Steve’s Leatherman, and laughed heartily when Steve refused. Then he used car’s side mirror to check his teeth, hair, ears etc. He was a very good-humoured and we all had a great time together.


  1. Woow j'ai hâte de voir toutes les videos que vous avez prises (dont celle de cette belle rencontre bien sûr), et de connaître la suite de vos aventures ! (Ce n'est plus "les aventures de Tintin", mais "les aventures de Caro&Steve", épisode n°... : "les goodboons en Tanzanie" ! Attention attention, vous faites concurrence à "Tintin au Congo")

  2. Hey team,

    Looks like things are going well... I pressume that you have moved away from areas affording you internet access becuase you havn't updated the blog in some time...
    tried to post comments on several occasions with no joy, so I hope you get this one...
